One of the unique challenges in designing an open miniatures game is making it so that the rules, scenarios, and campaigns are flexible enough to allow players to bring their existing terrain and mini’s into their games. I try to facilitate this by writing in flexible play areas and defining what the minimum space requirements for certain paths / corridors. The height of the mini’s themselves comes into play a bit with calculating falling damage or whether there is line of sight between two miniatures. For the most part though, mini’s in the 28-32mm range tend to be close enough in size that they play pretty well together, even across different manufacturers.
I don’t have much terrain personally. Household objects are my best friends for terrain. Anything from small cardboard boxes to those big usb charged battery packs. I’ve also taken the time to print out some papercraft objects. I like the way they look, but they’re pretty easy to knock out of the way. 3d printed terrain is great too. Just takes a little more time for painting and foreplanning.
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